From the Pastor’s Desk:
Well here we are, back in the third week of Ordinary Time. In the liturgy of the Roman Rite, Ordinary Time, in Latin Tempus per annum, is that time of the liturgical year which is not connected directly with any one of the two great seasons, Christmastide and Eastertide, as well as the times of their preparation, Lent and Advent. The colors return to green, representing hope, life, and inspiration. Like spring, when green starts sprouting up, it gives us hope and inspiration after a long winter. It is anything but ordinary. Ordinary time in our Liturgical Calendar consumes much of the year, you see the green altar cloth most of the year along with green vestments worn by myself and deacon. Again stay with me on the hope, life and inspiration theme. It is during this time that we are witness to the many miracles and teachings of Jesus. We are taught the meaning behind our Christianity. We are given examples of how to lead a better life of giving, a Holy life through the Gospel messages; the building blocks to our faith. Ordinary time allows us to build up to Advent and Lent! Why those two events in history are so important to each of us. That road or journey is not an easy one. It’s filled with potholes, misdirection, and detours. It’s filled with regret, options, and mistakes. But those same journeys have been done by many of our ancestors. That’s what Ordinary Time does, allows us to see ourselves within the text of the New Testament that we will journey down together. “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Words spoken by Jesus in our Gospel reading from Mark. This is the first chapter, just after the Baptism of our Lord in the temple. It lays out what it is going to take in those infamous words, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men,” The journey has begun, the lessons are to be revealed, the change is about to be shown! Now the question is, will this just be another year where we hear or heed the call of Christ in our lives? Do we want to make the changes needed or is it life as usual? Are the examples Jesus will give us this year be life changing, or are they just words without meaning? How we answer these questions will make all the difference to a life lived in Christ or life lived in our mundane existence. It is a choice my friends, but a choice that has consequences. Do we see the benefit and are we willing to take that life giving step to live the Gospel. Is it Ordinary or just ordinary? Have a blessed week and journey, Fr. Barry
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