Resources for parents and catechistsWelcome Catechists and Parents!
This part of the webpage is intended to provide additional resources on topics for all grade levels. Confession is offered during Advent and Lent for our students in grades 3-10. Here are some confession resources: Confession guide - for grades 3 and up Confession guide - for grades 8 and up What to say in the Confessional First Reconciliation (grade 2) What to say in confession Class Mass each class (grades 3-10) will assist at a Mass during the Religious Ed year. Students may assist as ushers, or read petitions, or bring up gifts. Those trained may Serve at Mass. Sometimes students will assist with the choir. Parents are asked to make every effort to attend the Mass their child(ren) will participate in. Class Mass Worksheet Explanation of the Mass |
Calendars / Schedules 2023-2024
Catechist schedule for Sept 2023 - May 2024 The catechist schedule lists the lesson plans for all grades for the 2023-24 year. Lesson plans are subject to change. |