News from the USCCB:
U.S. Bishops Chairman Reacts to Draft Senate Health Care Bill - WASHINGTON—After the U.S. Senate introduced a "discussion draft" of its health care bill, Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Florida, Chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, highlighted certain positive elements in the bill, but reiterated the need for Senators to remove unacceptable flaws in the legislation that harm those most in need. The full statement follows:....Read More News from the Pope: Pope to NFL Hall of Famers: foster fair play, teamwork - (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received a delegation from the National Football League’s Hall of Fame on Wednesday. Addressing the 43-member delegation representing the trustees and members of the organization that honors the great players in the history of the premier professional American football league, the Holy Father spoke of sport as a bridge-builder that can be a powerful tool in creating a culture of encounter, especially by fostering virtues of fair play, teamwork, and pursuit of excellence.....Read More News from the Church: US Church Celebrates ‘Fortnight for Freedom’ - WASHINGTON — The U.S. bishops have launched a website and video to mark the beginning of this year’s “Fortnight for Freedom,” focusing on religious freedom issues both at home and abroad. The video, about 10 minutes long and viewable on the Fortnight for Freedom website, features a number of legal, religious and other personalities discussing the importance of religious liberty. The Fortnight for Freedom takes place June 21-July 4......Read more
Threshold Retreat July 14-16, La Crosse * Three days of prayer, conversation, and reflections on the priesthood - as well has plenty of recrea- tion. This retreat is for young men aged 17-20. * To register or for more information, contact the Office for V ocations *Phone: 608.791.2667.
Steubenville Youth Conference for teens presently in grades 8-12 !!! An awesome, high energy event with 2,000 other teens . PLUS: we'll roll up our sleeves and lend a hand while serving others. It will be at St. Thomas University in St. Paul, July 28-30 The cost will be about $260 includes most meals, transportation, & all housing .. For more information, please contact: Dan Kitzhaber, Going to College? Know someone who is? Do you know someone who is heading off to college this fall? A new website sponsored by the Serra Club can help. At , click “Get Connected” and your students coming to campus can sign up to receive information about campus ministry at prospective schools across the nation. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to meet great people and ex- perience the prayer, service, and social events that campus ministry offers. If you know someone going to college, make sure they visit ! CATHOLIC Adventure Camp July 9-14. This is for teens currently in grades 6-12. Crosswoods Christian Adventure Camp, located south of Ashland, has been reserved for the Diocese of LaCrosse! This high adventure week will offer you the chance for rock climbing, repelling, canoeing, mountain bike riding, low ropes and high ropes, adventure trails, hiking, and time for prayer, the sacraments and reflection on God’s marvelous creation. The total cost will be about $400 for youth and $200 for adults. . If you have any other questions, please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber . Praised be Jesus Christ! This weekend is a momentous one be- cause we welcome a new priest into our midst: Father Aaron Becker. Along with two others, Father Becker was ordained a priest forever on June 24th and will celebrate his 1st Mass at 3:00 p.m. on June 25th at Christ the King. On June 29th Father will begin his first priestly assignment as the associate at Our Lady Queen of Heaven in Wisconsin Rapids and as Chaplain of Assump- tion Middle/High School. This is a huge transition - just a few weeks ago Aaron was finishing up his final exams and saying goodbye to the Eternal City. While I’ve quoted it before, Cardinal Farley’s remarks from his last night in Rome in 1870 are apropos of Aaron’s recent departure from Rome: “This evening I bade a sad farewell to the friends I love best perhaps on earth, to the College most dear, to the years the happiest of my life, and to the City of my very soul, to the soil moistened by the life stream of martyrs. Farewell Rome, but not, I hope, forever.” My first as- signment was as an associate at St. Joachim in Pittsville, St. James in Vesper, and Holy Rosary in Sigel. I too was Chaplain at As- sumption High School and taught full time for the two years I was assigned there. A priest’s first assignment is such an exciting time but also somewhat daunting. Everything is so new and some- times people forget that. I remember last fall one time when Father Sedlacek was scheduled for a baptism and I assumed he’d already experienced that as a deacon – when I asked if he felt confident he said, “No, this will be my first one.” If I haven’t al- ready mentioned it, it’s tough finding good help these days! In all seriousness, Father came to my next baptism to see how it goes and he’s been doing fine ever since. Father Becker will soon hear his first confession and anoint his first sick or dying person. These are unique moments that remind us of the mystery of Holy Or- ders. One moment the guy is no different from any other human being, and just a little while later he has the sacred powers of turning unleavened bread into Christ’s Body and wine into His Precious Blood. Lacordaire, the great 19th century Dominican preacher touched on this mystery when he wrote, “To live in the midst of the world with no desire for its pleasures; to be a mem- ber of every family, yet belonging to none; to share all sufferings; to penetrate all secrets, to heal all wounds; to daily go from men to God to offer Him their homage and petitions; to return from God to men to bring them His pardon and hope; to have a heart of fire for charity and a heart of bronze for chastity; to bless and to be blest forever. O God, what a life, and it is yours, O Priest of Jesus Christ!” We thank God for all who have shaped and formed Father Becker’s priestly heart – especially we remember his par- ents and their sacramental marriage. Once during a procession, Pope St. Pius X’s Mom saw her son’s papal ring and, while pointing to her own wedding band, quipped, “I had my ring be- fore you had yours!” Yes, so many graces come into the world through sacramental marriage and we rightly thank God for all parents who conscientiously raise their children in the Catholic faith. And while we pause to bask in the joy of a new priest, we are vigilant in our prayers for more vocations so that the Gospel will be preached and lived everywhere. We pray that Father Becker and all priests will truly “receive the Gospel . . . believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”
May God bless Father Aaron Becker, his family and friends, and all the souls who will be touched by his ministry! Your friend in Christ, Father Martin REMINDER to Parishioners * 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration for 2017 - First Friday – July 7 through July 8** Starting at 9 am on Friday an ending at 9 am on Saturday) Note: There will be a prayer petition book placed out the week prior to our First Friday Eucharistic Adoration. Anyone wishing to have petitions offered during Adoration may enter their petition into the book and they will be prayed for. Attention: Church doors are locked @ 9 p.m. until 6 a.m. if you are coming to pray during this time please knock on door (under carport) 5 minutes before the start of each hour and you will be let in by person already inside of church.
Fortnight For Freedom. Each year dioceses around the country arrange special events to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. The “Fortnight for Freedom” is from June 21 (the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St Thomas More) until July 4th—Independence Day. Join Father Samuel Martin for the Fortnight for Freedom Rosary Walk on Sunday-July 2, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m. The walk will start at St. John’s by the Ten Commandments Monument walking to the Ten commandments Monument at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Christ the King Parish Family Outing is July 20, 2017. Tickets for the Wausau Woodchucks are $10.50 for your admission, a hotdog, soda and a Woodchucks baseball cap. You can provide your own transportation or carpool with someone. Envelopes are under the north entrance bulletin board by the holy water font. Please put the money for each person attending in the provided envelope into the collection basket. Tickets will be at game ticket booth. Any questions, please call Joan @ 715-384-2774 Directions From the West: Take WI-29 E. Merge onto US-51 N. Take the Bridge St. exit (EXIT 193) Keep right and follow W. Bridge St. (becomes Central Bridge St.) Turn left onto 3rd St. and continue until E. Wausau Ave. (Athletic Park will be on your right) Game begins at 6:35. Looking forward to see you there. Family Life Committee The annual June “Project Milk is sponsored by the PCCW of the parish. The monies collected will go to the Casa Hogar Juan Pablo Orphanage near Lurin, Peru. It is 20 miles outside of Lima. This project provides milk for the children at the orphanage and the surrounding Peruvian area. Please note the “Special Milk Can” will be placed in gathering room to place your contributions into. The children of Peru sincerely appreciate your support ! News from the USCCB:
Bishops Vote on Permanent Committee for Religious Liberty, Revised Guidelines for Celebration of Sacraments for People with Disabilities - INDIANAPOLIS—The U.S. bishops voted on and approved a number of items including, establishing a permanent Committee for Religious Liberty and the revised Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities, during their Spring General Assembly in Indianapolis, June 14. The bishops voted to approve establishing a permanent Committee for Religious Liberty. The proposal received a vote of 132 votes in favor, 53 votes against and 5 abstaining. The USCCB's Committee for Religious Liberty seeks to strengthen and sustain religious freedom by assisting the U.S. bishops, individually and collectively, to teach about religious freedom to the faithful and the broader public, and to promote and defend religious freedom in law and policy.....Read More News from the Pope: First World Day of the Poor message released - (Vatican Radio) The Vatican on Tuesday released Pope Francis' message for the First World Day of the Poor which will be observed later this year on the 19th of November.....Read More News from the Church: Lithuania’s First Soviet-Era Martyr Will Be Beatified This Month - VILNIUS, Lithuania — A Soviet-era priest and bishop who continually defied communist rule and spent much of his ministry in prison will be beatified later this month in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital. Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis was declared a martyr by Pope Francis Dec. 16, clearing the way for his beatification. Archbishop Matulionis was known for his heroism and determination in faith in the midst of the harsh atheism of the Soviet regimes that ruled the countries in which he served.....Read more Going to College? Know someone who is?
Do you know someone who is heading off to college this fall? A new website sponsored by the Serra Club can help. At , click “Get Connected” and your students coming to campus can sign up to receive information about campus ministry at prospective schools across the nation. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to meet great people and ex- perience the prayer, service, and social events that campus ministry offers. If you know someone going to college, make sure they visit ! Steubenville Youth Conference for teens presently in grades 8-12 !!! An awesome, high energy event with 2,000 other teens . PLUS: we'll roll up our sleeves and lend a hand while serving others. It will be at St. Thomas University in St. Paul, July 28-30 The cost will be about $260 includes most meals, transportation, & all housing .. For more information, please contact: Dan Kitzhaber, CATHOLIC Adventure Camp July 9-14. This is for teens currently in grades 6-12. Crosswoods Christian Adventure Camp, located south of Ashland, has been reserved for the Diocese of LaCrosse! This high adventure week will offer you the chance for rock climbing, repelling, canoeing, mountain bike riding, low ropes and high ropes, adventure trails, hiking, and time for prayer, the sacraments and reflection on God’s marvelous creation. The total cost will be about $400 for youth and $200 for adults. . If you have any other questions, please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber . Praised be Jesus Christ! This past spring many people took the Nineveh 90 challenge. Created by Father Rick Heilman of the Diocese of Madison, the basic premise is that it takes 90 days to cultivate a good habit. The program requires a lot of prayer, but most of that is already a part of my life. The most challenging component was the fasting – 2 days a week on just bread and water. As Catholics, we are only required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and only if we’re between the ages of 18 and 59. Needless to say, if practice makes one perfect, then we are sorely lacking in this spiritual activity. I know it’s summer and you refuse to feel guilty about your daily cement mixers or your second order of fried cheese curds, but please bear with me! Fasting is one of the most unsung weapons in our spiritual arsenal and until recently, I had no idea of all the good it can do for us and for others. A short list of graces that come from fasting include opening our hearts to conversion as well as fortifying us in our resistance to temptation. Fasting teaches us the difference between “wanting” and “needing” and grants us a greater solidarity with people who are regularly deprived of adequate nourishment. Finally, fasting brings the Holy Spirit into our hearts, thus granting us greater inner freedom and true spiritual healing. Pope emeritus Ben- edict XVI wrote once that “the Sacred Scriptures and the entire Chris- tian tradition teach that fasting is a great help to avoid sin and all that leads to it.” Over the 90 days we were required to fast 26 times – and I am now convinced that fasting needs to be a regular part of our lives. One thing you learn about fasting is that not all bread is equivalent – sliced bread from a supermarket is basically useless in getting you through the day. I recommend as a resource that will teach you how to bake or purchase bread that will help you to perform your daily duties while fasting. This website provides a lot of great information, including a compelling interview with a doctor who concludes that periodic fasting is very good for one’s health. God has convinced me of the merits of fasting and I intend to continue doing it and encouraging others to consider it. Now allow me to segue into this month’s questions from our question box . . . . first up is the suggestion that people smile after receiving Holy Communion. This would show an understanding of Who is inside you and would edify your fellow parishioners. I agree, but only do what comes natural to you. Another question asked how long the Anointing of the Sick lasts (i.e. how often should one get anointed?). Father Sedlacek’s anointings are only good for a week or so, but most priests’ last a year (and in all seriousness, getting anointed once a year when you get older is sufficient). By the way, St. John’s hosts its annual Healing Mass on July 26th at 9:00 a.m. Another question wondered if we know the names of Saint Joseph’s parents. The Gospel of Matthew has a genealogy in the first chapter and it mentions Jacob as his father; we do not know his Mom’s name. Someone wondered when the consecration takes place during Mass. The servers ring the bells the first time when the Holy Spirit enters the bread and wine (this moment is called the epiclesis). Then the servers ring the bells three times at the moment of consecration for both the Body and Blood of Jesus. The bells are rung so that you do not miss this miraculous moment in the Mass. Finally, someone wondered how I got Father Sedlacek to finally shave his Paul Bunyan beard . . . prayer and fasting, people, it works wonders! And speaking of Father Sedlacek, a very Happy Father’s Day to our dear Dads! May God give us the self-mastery that helps us to use the things of the world so that we can get to Heaven! Your friend in Christ, Father Martin Fortnight For Freedom. Each year dioceses around the country arrange special events to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. The “Fortnight for Freedom” is from June 21 (the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St Thomas More) until July 4th—Independence Day.
Join Father Samuel Martin for the Fortnight for Freedom Rosary Walk on Sunday-July 2, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m. The walk will start at St. John’s by the Ten Commandments Monument walking to the Ten commandments Monument at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Christ the King Parish Family Outing is July 20, 2017. Tickets for the Wausau Woodchucks are $10.50 for your admission, a hotdog, soda and a Woodchucks baseball cap. You can provide your own transportation or carpool with someone. Envelopes are under the north entrance bulletin board by the holy water font. Please put the money for each person attending in the provided envelope into the collection basket. Tickets will be at game ticket booth. Any questions, please call Joan @ 715-384-2774 Directions From the West: Take WI-29 E. Merge onto US-51 N. Take the Bridge St. exit (EXIT 193) Keep right and follow W. Bridge St. (becomes Central Bridge St.) Turn left onto 3rd St. and continue until E. Wausau Ave. (Athletic Park will be on your right) Game begins at 6:35. Looking forward to see you there. Family Life Committee Parishioners of Christ the King, you are cordially invited to attend newly ordained Rev. Aaron Becker’s First Mass here at Christ the King Church on Sunday-June 25, 2017 @ 3 pm with Eucharistic Adoration @ 2 pm. and a reception following after mass at the KC Hall in Mfld. You must R.S.V.P. by June 10th by calling Bernice Becker @ 715-659-3865 * Come and celebrate ! The annual June “Project Milk is sponsored by the PCCW of the parish. The monies collected will go to the Casa Hogar Juan Pablo Orphanage near Lurin, Peru. It is 20 miles outside of Lima. This project provides milk for the children at the orphanage and the surrounding Peruvian area. Please note the “Special Milk Can” will be placed in gathering room to place your contributions into. The children of Peru sincerely appreciate your support ! The “Priestly Ordination” of Deacon Aaron Becker will take place on Saturday – June 24th, 2017 @ 10:30 @ the St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral in La Crosse. A bus has been acquired for parishioners to have transportation to La Crosse and back on June 24th . Cost of $15.00 per person is to be paid when you register. Space is limited to 49 bus seats and will be filled on “First Come” basis. Please register by calling parish office @ 715-659-4480 and talking to parish secretary, Judy. A required Mandatory “Adult Medical Release and Permission Form” is needed and Judy will provide one for you, when you register. You are asked to bring the form with you on Saturday morning, June 24th . The Progressive Travel Bus will be in the church parking lot @ 7:45 am and leaving @ 8 am for La Crosse. If you are not able to personally go to the cathedral for Aaron Becker’s ordination, the event will be live streamed for those who are unable to a end but wish to watch using their computer or other connected device Use this link at: the day of the ordination Mass. News from the USCCB:
U.S. Bishops Will Gather for a Mass of Prayer and Penance for Healing of Survivors of Clergy Sex Abuse; Mass Will Mark Opening of June Plenary Assembly - WASHINGTON—As they begin the Spring General Assembly, Bishops from across the U.S. will gather at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis for a Mass of Prayer and Penance for survivors of sexual abuse within the Church. The Mass is being held in response to a call from Pope Francis for all episcopal conferences across the world to have a Day of Prayer and Penance for victims of sexual abuse within the Church and will be held June 14, 2017 at 5:00 pm at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis.....Read More News from the Pope: Pope Francis: God is a Father; we are never alone - (Vatican Radio) At the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis spoke on “The Fatherhood of God: the Wellspring of our Hope.” He was continuing his series of catechetical instruction on “Christian Hope.”......Read More News from the Church: Unprecedented Gathering of US Church Will Discuss Evangelization - ORLANDO, Fla. — The Catholic bishops in the United States want to form a Church of missionary disciples on fire to spread the joy of the Gospel to their communities. For that purpose, they are convening the “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America.” To be held July 1-4 in Orlando, Florida, it will be a gathering of thousands of Catholic leaders working in dioceses, apostolates and movements across the country....Read more |
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM RECONCILIATION
Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM OFFICE HOURS
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Friday: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Stay Connected with Our ParishWelcome from Our PastorWelcome to Christ the King Catholic Church! Ever since 1938 this parish has been assisting souls in their quest for deeper union with God. Our mission statement is essentially found in the stained glass window above the main altar: “For Christ our King.” Insofar as God made us and we belong to Him, we have come to... Read More
February 2021