Mass for the Anointing of the Sick will be held on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 6:40 PM A sign up sheet has been placed in the gathering room for those who desire the sacrament Usually we combine Anointing of the Sick and Opening Mass with the Reli- gious Education students but this year we will only be offering the AnointingMass. Studentswillnotbe present except for those in grade 8
That Man is You! men's group will begin meeting on Wednesday, September 16th, at 6 am in Dillenberg Hall in the basement of O.L.P. church. There is a new program from That Man is You! this year, with a promising list of speakers and topics. As in the past, there will be a little social time in the morning, a video presentation of about 1/2 hour, then group discussion until about 7:15, when we end so everyone can get to work or the rest of their day. We'll be socially distancing and masking in accordance with state and diocese guidance, and will probably offer a minimal breakfast (or none), at least for the first few weeks. Please feel free to join us! Parish Office Updates
Attention Engaged Couples: Two Becoming One class in Mfld. Registration is now open. Available dates are: Sept. 19 and Nov. 7,2020 and Feb 13 and April 10,2021 Please be aware that these classes fill quickly, so register as soon as possible to be assured of a spot. Couples should first contact their priest and then plan to attend a class at least six months before their wedding. For questions or to register please contact, Alanna Hart at [email protected] SPECIAL THANKS This office/rectory project wouldn’t have ever been possible if God wasn’t behind it. And I thank each of you who helped make this a reality. A very special thank you and acknowledgment to Aumann Construction for doing such a beautiful job, Bugar Trucking for their generous contribution and hard work, Draxler Trucking for their financial support and help, Gaffney Plumbing for their discount and quality work, All Current Electric for the so many things done above and beyond and generous contribution, CAS construction for laying the foundation so quickly, Modern Insulation for the generous contribution, Vorsho Flooring for your donated labor (beautiful work!) and RR Flooring for your discounted floors and tile! Mittens for your help in selection and discounts. Wolfcraft for the beautiful office furniture and rectory furniture as well as those who donated furniture, thank you Judy and Dave. A very special thank you to our PCCW who supplied all the blinds for the entire building and our Holy Name society who supplied the living room furniture, office computer and safe. Hiller’s True Value supplied all the interior paint and also helped paint, along with the Bauers, Mlsna’s and Becky Kaiser. Thank you also to the McNeely family for the fireplace, lazy-susan and wall clock! And I will never forget the countless people who helped with every phase of this project, cleaning, moving, yard and lawn work. A message from Ann Pankratz and Marcia Draeger, Co-Chairladies of the St. Ann’s Circle: Each circle is asked to do a yearly fundraiser to help support various causes for the church. This year the PCCW has made a generous donation toward window treatments in the new rectory. For the past several years our circle has participated in the annual Pie in the Park event held the first Thursday of August in the Lion’s Shelter at the Spencer Village Park. This has always been one of the PCCW’s top fundraisers each year. However, this year due the current rise in cases of CoVid-19, we have decided to not host the event. We pray this pan- demic eases up so we are able to host this wonderful event again next year. In lieu of the Pie in the Park event, we are asking each circle member to donate at least $10 (checks should be made out to Christ the King Parish). Place it in an envelope, and mark it ‘St. Ann’s Circle Fundraiser’ and drop it in the offertory collection basket during any mass beginning now and throughout the month of August. You may also mail it to the parish office at: Christ the King Parish 306 S. LaSalle St., Spencer, WI 54479 Thank you for your support You’re invited! A friendly reminder that the Parish Picnic will take place on Sunday, August 9th from 11:30 to 2:00. Please bring your own beverage. Come celebrate our new rectory and Parish offices. Hope to see you there! If you would like to have a “Mass Intention” for a deceased loved one or special intention in 2020 please call the parish rectory @ 715-659-4480 and talk to Pam. There are numerous openings for Wednesday * Thursday * Friday, morning mass is at 8 a.m. Only a limited number of openings available, for weekend masses in 2020. Garage Sale donations can be dropped off at the Seton Center, in room 7 during normal business hours, Mon – Thurs from 8:30am -5pm and Friday 8:30am – 12:30pm. Evening donations and setup will be on Tuesday, July 21 from 5pm – 7pm, Wednesday, July 29 from 4pm – 8pm and Wednesday, August 5 from 4pm – 8pm. Please contact Deb Mlsna if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting our Youth! As a simple reminder, an audio version of the homilies are still available on the parish website for each Sunday.
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM RECONCILIATION
Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM OFFICE HOURS
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Friday: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Stay Connected with Our ParishWelcome from Our PastorWelcome to Christ the King Catholic Church! Ever since 1938 this parish has been assisting souls in their quest for deeper union with God. Our mission statement is essentially found in the stained glass window above the main altar: “For Christ our King.” Insofar as God made us and we belong to Him, we have come to... Read More
February 2021