YOUTH MINISTRY GARAGE SALE: Donations may be dropped off at the Seton Center during normal office hours. Evening drop off available on Tues, July 28 & Wed, Aug 5 until 8pm. Setup help is needed during the evening hours and the week of the sale, 8/3 & 8/4 from 9am - noon. Thank you for supporting our Youth! The amount we have received so far in donations for the garage sale has been amazing! Thank you so very much for your generous support of our youth! We are very excited to be offering more opportunities for our young people to grow in faith and service to our Lord. We are deeply touched by your encouragement and prayers. Thank you! We are planning on a ‘fill a bag’ sale on Sunday, August 9, during the parish picnic so make sure to stop by the Seton Center and pick out some treasures. You don’t want to miss it!
You’re invited! A friendly reminder that the Parish Picnic will take place on Sunday, August 9th from 11:30 to 2:00. Please bring your own beverage. Come celebrate our new rectory and Parish offices. Hope to see you there! From the Desk of Fr. Barry “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” So says Jesus to his disciples in the Gospel passage from Matthew. Jesus uses a number of images to try to illustrate for them what this “kingdom” is and what he’s talking about ... including a pearl of great price and a net filled with fish. And while many things Jesus says about the kingdom in other places in Scripture are somewhat puzzling and baffling, this exchange is a little more pointed and direct. You see, by using these examples, Jesus is trying to get his disciples to reflect on what is most important, what has the greatest value, what is the one “treasure” in this life that trumps all others? And he’s inviting us to ask ourselves that exact same question. Where do we put our priorities? Who is our priority? Is God at the top of that list, in the middle or at the bottom? My sisters and brothers, God wants to be a part of each of our lives. He wants to guide us, nurture us, and make us each the best person we can be. Think of all the ways we fight Him on this. All the times we have done “our” thing knowing that it wasn’t the right thing to do, but it satisfied a desire or want. Our treasure is freely given; through the Cross we are given a new existence, new purpose, new beginnings. Our treasure doesn’t go outside ourselves, but resides within each of us. Sometimes its suppressed, sometimes it’s not convenient, sometimes it goes against what the world imposes on us. But I am here to let you know it’s the right way when it comes from and for God. May each of continue to seek out that treasure, and when we discover Him, may we see the great sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us and experience peace in a way we have never known it before. Rectory update: We have moved in! The new address for all Church mail is 306 S. LaSalle St, Spencer, WI 54479. Our PO Box has been canceled. Pam’s office is just inside the front entrance. To help identify the entrance, we have added the Christ the King logo on the front door. Please ring the door bell and come on in. Pam’s office is in a lot better shape than mine, she’s unpacked and fully functional. My office on the other hand is a complete mess. I have boxes of books everywhere and I’m praying that no one askes me to find a file folder right now! With that said, my phone and computer are working so we’ll manage together! Boxes will slowly be unpacked, but just being in one place is such a relief. The new rectory is in better shape with the help of all who volunteered their time. Thank you so much to all who helped make this transition so much easier. You don’t know how much stress you took off my shoulders. The sidewalk leading into the offices was completed a week before moving in and the other walkways and driveway will wait till next year when the ground settles. I’m looking forward to the open house / picnic August 9th. This will take place that Sunday from 11:30 – 2. Life Tributes is donating hamburgers and brats, we ask that you bring a side dish and your drink. We will maintain the social distancing requirements by having volunteers dish out the food wearing masks and gloves. Tables will be set up in the parking lot. I’ve been trying to come up with an idea that makes this new rectory and offices feel like it’s more yours. So this is what I would like to do. Each family from the parish please bring a crucifix or cross no larger than 12” high. Write your family name on the back and when you are here at the rectory you will nail it (nails provided) to the main entrance hallway. I am donating a 24” Christ the King Crucifix which is mounted in the center of the wall. Our parish families will then surround that cross with theirs. Have a blessed week, Fr. Barry If you would like to have a “Mass Intention” for a deceased loved one or special intention in 2020 please call the parish rectory @ 715-659-4480 and talk to Pam. There are numerous openings for Wednesday * Thursday * Friday, morning mass is at 8 a.m. Only a limited number of openings available, for weekend masses in 2020. Garage Sale donations can be dropped off at the Seton Center, in room 7 during normal business hours, Mon – Thurs from 8:30am -5pm and Friday 8:30am – 12:30pm. Evening donations and setup will be on Tuesday, July 21 from 5pm – 7pm, Wednesday, July 29 from 4pm – 8pm and Wednesday, August 5 from 4pm – 8pm. Please contact Deb Mlsna if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting our Youth! From the Deacon’s Desk Last Sunday, July 5th, marked the end of this year’s “Fortnight for Freedom”, the two week period that begins with the memorial of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More. Both were beheaded by order of King Henry VIII when they resisted the king in the matter of his divorce and refused to recognize him as head of the Church in England. Each year, our Bishops ask us to remember these two martyrs and to reflect on the importance of religious freedom to us and to future generations. The struggle between Church and state is as old as the Faith itself. Jesus was a threat to the Jewish leaders, the Sanhedrin and the Roman officials, and Pontius Pilate. Whenever the state perceives a threat to it’s existence, it has the tendency to try to abolish that threat, by whatever means it deems necessary. Pilate and the Sanhedrin chose crucifixion, Henry the VIII chose beheading, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain chose the Inquisition, while the French Enlightenment chose the guillotine. While today’s secular leaders are less violent and more subtle, they are, none-the-less, just as great a threat to religious freedom and the separation of Church and state. Since it’s inception nearly two thousand years ago, the Church has always sought peaceful means to spread the “Good News” of the Gospel, while the secular world has sought, mainly by violence, to prevent it. In today’s world, we still seek to peacefully proclaim the Gospel, while others seek to prevent us, by using against us those powers available to the secular world; the law, the press, etc. Most people believe that the secular world invented religious freedom, but in reality, it began with the early Church. Conversion to Christianity had to be done freely as an act of the will and could not be forced on anyone. The secular world demanded conformity with the state sponsored religion, and it still does! Just as in the days of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, we need to resist the temptation to take the easy path of giving in to the demands of society. We must insist on our right to proclaim the truth, THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!!! Deacon Jeff As a simple reminder, an audio version of the homilies are still available on the parish website for each Sunday.
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM RECONCILIATION
Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM OFFICE HOURS
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Friday: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Stay Connected with Our ParishWelcome from Our PastorWelcome to Christ the King Catholic Church! Ever since 1938 this parish has been assisting souls in their quest for deeper union with God. Our mission statement is essentially found in the stained glass window above the main altar: “For Christ our King.” Insofar as God made us and we belong to Him, we have come to... Read More
February 2021